Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fun Pancakes

I came across a really fun idea for pancakes & just knew that the boys would LOVE it! If I find the original link...I will post it! Here is what they had for breakfast this morning...

First you make your pancake batter. Pour about 1 cup (per color) into a squeeze bottle. I used a squeeze bottle from some honey butter, but the lid kind of got in the way a bit. I am going to go & look for a ketchup & mustard squeeze bottle. Then, add your food coloring.

Draw whatever shape you want on the griddle using your batter from the squeeze bottle. Here I drew the outline for a flag. Here is a tip...draw everything backwards. The first flag I drew ended up backwards when I flipped it.

Then, I filled in with some blue.

Then I used the regular pancake batter to fill in the rest. I found that a Tbsp works best to add the batter.

Then...FLIP...and there you have a colorful flag pancake for the 4th of July! You could also do stars, letters, & anything else...just remember to start it out backwards!

Stay tuned for some 4th of July decorations this week!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Our D*A*D pictures

I came across THIS really cute idea. We went out & bought a "D" & an "A". The boys & I painted the letters together. It was so cute...they worked really hard on them.

Today, I took the boys outside & took their pictures. They were so cute!! If they stopped smiling for me, I just reminded them that the pictures were for Daddy...then they would smile again. We really miss Daddy! Here is the finished product...I love how the boys are peaking through the "D". They were doing it at the store & I just had to use those...it is totally them.

Muffin Tin Monday-Patriotic

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme is Patriotic. With the 4th of July on Saturday I want to help the kids understand the holiday more...especially with a Daddy in the Army! These holidays mean so much more to me now that I have a husband who serves our country. He is actually away right now with the Army & we are hoping to get him back by Saturday.

I wanted to do everything red, white, & blue. The star muffin tin really worked with this theme :p

Here is what the boys ate:

Top row: pb&j tortilla stripes, star marshmallows, strawberries, blueberries, & cool whip

Bottom row: red & blue M&M cookie, bananas, blackberry yogurt with red, white, & blue sprinkles.

The boys loved this one & even asked for more on just about EVERYTHING!!! Check out some other Muffin Tin Meals HERE.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Belated Father's Day

My hubby has been gone on an Army mission for the last 3 weeks...so I haven't really thought too much about something for him, but I just found THIS idea. Now, I just need to find a cute 3 photo frame for his desk at work!!!

Here is a cute Grandpa one too!!

**Photos from Brassy Apple**

I Spy

My Kaden loves the I Spy books. He could spend hours looking through those books. U CREATE posted this great idea from BRASSY APPLE. You make your own I Spy book. I am totally going to do this for Kaden's birthday in August! I just LUV it!

**Photo from Brassy Apple**

Monday, June 22, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday...Copy Cat

Today's theme was to copy someone's Muffin Tin. A favorite of mine was THIS ONE from Her Cup Overfloweth.

I just knew that the boys would love to "fish" with pretzel fishing rods & peanut butter bait. Well, they did LOVED it!!! I changed the snacks a bit & actually got a little carried away...so the pretzel rods had to be in a liner next to the muffin tin.

Top Row: chocolate chip teddy bear crackers, raisins, & mini M&Ms
Bottom Row: COLORS Goldfish crackers, Peanut butter, & rainbow sprinkles
On the side: Pretzel Rods

To check out the other Muffin Tin Monday meals...go to HER CUP OVERFLOWETH.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day Gift for Grandpa

I have been trying to come up with something to give my Dad for Father's Day & I came across the best quote. It covers him being my awesome Dad & the amazing Grandpa that he is. So, here is my creation. I wanted to use vinyl, but my vinyl lady was out of town...so I just printed it directly on the paper.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Father's Day Ideas

I haven't really been focusing on Father's Day too much because my hubby is gone until the end of the month. We are going to be having our Father's Day celebration later.

How cute is THIS!!! Sorry...I can't get the picture to copy...so you will just have to click on the link!

I will keep looking..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Birthday Muffin Tin & my cute cake

Today my sweet Preston turned 3. I try to make every part of the day special...so I thought that I would make a special Preston food Muffin Tin. We had corn dog nuggets, Oreo cookies, lightening chips (Doritos), more corn dog nuggets, ketchup, & watermelon. The boys both loved it!!

I also want to show you my latest birthday cake. Preston wanted a dinosaur cake...so I searched & searched & found THIS really cute & easy cake to make. I love to make my guys fun birthday cakes. Here is the one that I made for Preston's birthday. He was so excited that he had candy on his cake.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


It's a day late, but we did our MTM anyway. I was glad to see that it was a no theme MTM. I started out without a theme, but the boys decided they wanted to do a theme anyway. They really like the classic Disney Robin Hood movie...so that is what they wanted their theme to be. So, here is what we did:

(sorry about the picture...my camera is broken, so my phone will have to do)
top row: cheese arrow, watermelon crown, sandwich coins (tuna or pb&j)
bottom row: dorito & raisin robin hoods hat (it is a stretch, but Kaden really wanted the hat), yogurt jail, & more sandwich coins

Monday, June 15, 2009


I feel like such a slacker. Two weeks in a row of no MTM. Maybe tomorrow!!!! We are finally back in Utah. We drove for 14 hours yesterday, but we made it home safely. What a crazy day. I woke up to Preston crying because his eyes were sealed shut...gotta love pink eye! We had to go to the Dr. today. They think that Kaden has a chronic sinus infection. The poor boy ALWAYS has a cough & sometimes he coughs so hard that he throws up! Then, it was off to do BIRTHDAY shopping! My little Preston is going to turn 3 on Wednesday. I can't believe it. We do finally have food in our house...so we'll see what I can come up with tomorrow.

Once I get my house back in order...I have some fun projects coming up. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Another indoor craft...

I really love Joann's craft section...especially their dollar section! I let the boys pick out a necklace to make from Joann's. They had some really cute pirate ones, but my boys both went for animals. Preston wouldn't let me take a picture of his...but here is Kaden's:

I will tell you that the round beads were big & had a big hole to feed the thread through. My 2 year old was able to thread those through really easy. The animal beads on the other hand were a different story. Each bead pack came with 3 decorative beads...the holes were hard to find & 1 of Kaden's wouldn't even work. He didn't seem to mind!

Pocket Monsters

We are still in Arizona & as I said before...the kids are sick. Kaden has pink eye/the flu & Preston has a stuffy nose (which is how Kaden started). We have been trapped in the house for days. No swimming, lizard hunting, or shopping for us!!! Luckily, I made a stop at Joann's a few days ago for some inside projects. This morning we decided to make one of the projects. They would be pretty easy to sew yourself, but I just bought a kit for each of the boys.

They came unstuffed & the boys got to stuff their "pocket monster" all by themselves. Each kit came with felt shapes that were already sticky. The boys had fun decorating their "pocket monster".

No MTM yet...

I was really hoping that Kaden would be feeling better....but no luck. The poor little guys is living on Jello & Special Daddy Juice (AKA Gaterade). We can't break his dang fever & he keeps throwing up. I feel so bad for the little guy! So, in order to save him from feeling even worse...I am still not going to do MTM. The little guy is missing out on so much all ready...I don't want to make him miss any more!

Monday, June 8, 2009

MTM-postponed until tomorrow..

Kaden came down with the flu yesterday, but he is feeling better today. He loves MTM so much that I decided to postpone it until tomorrow. I would rather have it be on Tuesday than have him miss something that he loves! Check back tomorrow after lunch!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Today was MTM!!! I almost forgot, but Kaden was sure to remind me that he was looking forward to MTM. My Grandma (Grammy) was admitted to the hospital last week & is in critical condition. Last week we made the long 14 hour trek to be by her side & my head has been a bit jumbled since. She is doing better, but still not out of the woods. I am so glad that Kaden reminded me...they really do love Muffin Tin Monday!!! Check out all of the other Muffin Tin Monday Mamas here. Here is what we ate (I bought race car liners so it was even more fun!):

Top: A to Z SpaghettiOs & Meatballs, Apple & Grape "i", Letter shortbread cookies
Bottom: A to Z SpaghettiOs & Meatballs, String Cheese "T", Breadstick w/cheese "k"