Sunday, September 19, 2010

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Aaaaaaaargh!!!  Today is Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Ye land lubbers get hunting for treasure & eating pirate grub.

Yesterday, we had a fun pirate party.  We made pirate swords out of newspaper & cardboard. {Thanks Alpha Mom!}  The swords were a HUGE hit!

We had sword fights.

& a treasure hunt which included a walk on "walk the plank" & some nice pirate booty in the treasure chest.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

National Cheeseburger Day

There is something about a really good cheeseburger that just makes my mouth water!  Make yourself a yummy cheeseburger or go & let someone else make one for you!  I know what we are having for dinner!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

National Play-doh Day

So, I am going to be very honest here...I am not the biggest fan of play-doh.  With that being said...the boys LOVE it & it does keep them entertained for hours.  When I was looking for a picture to post, I just had to go with this one.  This is what play-doh makes me think of.

While looking at this picture...I notice a great idea by Spincushion.  I love how she thought outside of the box to create such a cute picture {below}!

I am going to swallow my dislike for play-doh & let me kids go crazy.  I suppose that you could make your own as well, but we have enough canisters that I have no intention of going there!

Collect Rocks Day

I don't know about your kiddos, but mine LOVE to collect rocks.  We even have a special place to put our"special" rocks that we collect when we are camping.  Rock collecting isn't exactly the easiest thing to do in our we took a jaunt over to a fun little nature park.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Make a Hat Day

Today is Make a Hat Day.  I have a few ideas up my sleeve for just stay posted!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fortune Cookie Day

Today is...
Fortune Cookie Day!
I love fortune cookies!  They taste yummy & there is something fun about opening up the cookie & reading your fortune!

Muffin Tin Monday...Movies

Today's MTM theme is...movies. I asked the boys what their 3 favorite movies were. Peter Pan was one of Kaden's favorite movies. We actually haven't watched Peter Pan for a that is the movie that I chose. is what we had {while watching Peter Pan}.

top row: telescope {PB&J roll up}, sword {celery}, cannon balls {grapes}
bottom row: sky & pixie dust {blueberry yogurt with yellow sprinkles}, clouds {kettle corn}, pirate ship {string cheese & a cheese sail} & pixie dust sprinkled all of everything {yellow sprinkles}

Check out other Muffin Tin Meals over at Muffin Tin Mom!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chocolate Milk Shake Day

Yum!!  Today is Chocolate Milk Shake Day.

I had every intention of making us some chocolate milk shakes today, but blender didn't survive a fall thanks to a very helpful 4 year old.  So, I will have to just allow my mouth to water while thinking about one.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Teddy Bear Day

I don't know about your kids, but mine LOVE their Teddy Bears. Let your kids take their Teddy Bears with them everywhere, have a Teddy Bear picnic, have a Teddy Bear tea party, or read stories with their Teddy Bears.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Read a Book Day

It's Read a Book Day..not that we really need a set day for this. We are going to have a "read-a-thon" at home with the kids.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cheese Pizza Day

It's Cheese Pizza Day. I don't know about you, but I like ANY excuse to eat pizza!!!
