Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cutting Pages

I have been looking everywhere for pages to help Kaden practice his cutting, but they were all incredibly boring....UNTIL I found this AWESOME website today. Here is the link that will take you to the Wonder Time website. It seems geared toward littler ones. They have a ton of fun things to look at, but if you go into the activities tab it will give you these three options:

Cutting Pages

The printables & crafts that I have looked at so far are so cute & fun. There is one where they cut out the fixings for a sandwich & then they can build the sandwich after. There is a cute place mat with a plate, silverware, & napkin that you could print out to go with the sandwich. Another on is animals & a barn. The doors for the barn can open & close. I really think that the boys will get a kick out of them & I hope that your kids will too!


Tonight we did the sandwich & placemat printables. I just printed them out in black & white & had the boys color them. Kaden (4 years) did the project all by himself & loved every minute. Preston (2 years) did really well. He practiced opening & closing the scissors & then he just cut the placemat all on his own. He loved it. I printed out a whole bunch of different printables & put them in my filing cabinet for later.

1 comment:

  1. I loved looking at all of the great ideas you have found and the fun crafts that you do with your kids. I'm excited to start doing projects with Parker! On an unrelated note, where do you find your cute blog layouts??
