Monday, May 11, 2009

MTM-Children's Literature

Wow, I am so late getting this posted. We took a trip to the library this morning & then had to do our grocery shopping, so we had a late lunch. Today's MTM theme is Children's Literature. I was trying to decide what to do last week when Kaden had me recite the "Green Eggs & Ham" story using Cauliflower instead of Green Eggs & Ham. It is not very original, but it fits. Our city just opened a new library about a month ago & it is so close to our house. We have been going there every week & each time the boys choose at least one Dr. Seuss book. I decided to do a collaboration with a few Dr. Seuss books. I used Green Eggs & Ham, The Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, & Bartholomew and the Oobleck. (I can't find my these were taken from my phone!)

Here is what we ate:

Strawberry Milk (pink ink from 1 fish 2 fish)
Top: Green Eggs (from GE&H), Swedish Fish (red fish from 1 fish 2 fish), green vanilla pudding (Oobleck from Batholomew & the Oobleck)
Bottom: Green Ham (from GE&H), Green Ham (from GE&H), gold fish crackers (the fish from the Cat in the Hat)

Check out all of the other MTM links over at Her Cup Overfloweth.


  1. Dr Suess is one of my favorites... in fact, he is one of the only authors I choose to actually own. lol! You did an amazing job with that tin. It looks like so much fun! I bet your kids loved it. :)


  2. green ham ... how did you do that? Very fun tin, I love all of those books!

  3. For the ham, I just colored some butter green & fried the ham in the green butter & then you have GREEN HAM! It was fun!
