Monday, September 14, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday...Apples

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I had a lot of fun with today's Muffin Tin Monday. Preston's new favorite thing is to make his own Pb&J I thought that I would incorporate that into the Muffin Tin. To check out other Muffin Tins click on the button above!

Top Row: apple with a gummy worm, apple shaped Jell-O, mini cupcake apple
Bottom Row: pretzel barrel with M&M apples, apple shaped Pb&J sandwiches, apple shaped cheese


  1. Your tin is adorable! My favorites are the worm in the apple, apple barrel and the apple cheese cut-out--super cute!

  2. I love all the apple shaped food.

  3. Very cute idea. The apple cupcakes are so cute.

  4. Off topic, but I love your blog header and layout! I have enjoyed seeing your blog! :)
