Friday, October 2, 2009

Egg Carton Spiders

Today we made some egg carton spiders. They are the easiest of our egg carton friends (we made bats & pumpkins too). Here is what you need:

egg carton
black paint
paint brush
black pipe cleaners
google eyes
scissors (not pictured)
string/fishing line (optional/not pictured)

Cut egg cups off of carton. You will need 1 per spider (we made 2 spiders). Paint outside of carton cup with black paint & let dry.

Once the paint has dried...poke 8 holes along the rim of the cup for the spider's legs. Four on each side. (I also poked a hole at the top because I wanted to hang the spiders from string.)

Glue the google eyes onto your spider & let them dry. Excuse the white all over the spider...we had a little one go a bit crazy for the glue!

Cut your pipe cleaner into 4 inch pieces. You will need 8 4-inch pipe cleaner strips per spider. After your eyes have dried on...stick one pipe cleaner piece into each hole. The picture is bad...sorry, but I love his little fingers. I had the twist & bend them a bit inside of the spider so that the pipe cleaners didn't fall out. A little loop at the end did the job.

Bend the pipe cleaners a bit to make it look more like legs. I just used some string that I had left over & hung them up.

Here is the finished product! I hung them up in the boys' room. How fun for them to have their very own homemade Halloween decorations in their room.


  1. I think we will try this soon. We did a pumpkin patch this past Thursday. This will be fun too!

  2. Congratulations! You have been featured on the What are little boys made of? Weekly Round-Up at seven thirty three - - - a creative blog. The mission of the weekly round-up is to bring a source for crafting with and for boys to the blogosphere.

    If you would like a nifty "featured on" button email me at 733blog (at) gmail (dot) com.

    Thank you for all of your creative ideas!

    Happy crafting!
