Friday, November 6, 2009

Thankful Tree

I saw this last year & really wanted to make one. We are loving the Thankful jar. {Today is "I am thankful for mom" day...I can't wait to see what they come up wth!} I wanted to "inspire" the boys to come up with their own thing to be thankful for. We will each {including hubby & me} write on one leaf a day until at least Thanksgiving. I would like to take it to the end of November, but I may change to Christmas before then!!! Then we will stick the leaves on our tree. By the end of the month..our tree should be FULL!!!

First, I used a roll of kraft/packing paper to make my tree. I just drew a tree freehand onto the paper & cut it out. I used tape to hang it up on a closet that we could see it often. (Sorry about the is on a really strange angle.)

I used construction paper for the leaves. At first, I wanted to cut out cute oak leaves, but decided that I would get tired of cutting those out. I went with a very simple leaf. After I cut out the leaves...I creased them down the center for a bit of dimension. I will show you the progress of our tree in a bit!


  1. Its so neat to see the "different" varieties of the Thankful Tree I also made one last week :)

  2. I love that tree. I need to put one up at my house. Thanks for sharing.
