I took the boys to Walmart & we bought some small little wood plaques {$.97 each}. I let the boys pick any color that they wanted to paint their plaque. I don't have a vinyl machine or a cricut..so I just found some coordinating paper & printed out what I wanted. On one side it says "Did you PRAY???" & on the other side it says "Make your bed!".
We painted the edges of the boards & then Mod Podged the paper on {top & bottom}. We sanded them down a bit & then Walla! a prayer board to remind us each night to pray. You will put your prayer board on {or under} your pillow to remind you to pray. Afterwards...you will flip it over & put it on the floor. So, when you get out of bed & step onto your board...it will remind you to make your bed & then you put your board back on your pillow.
super cute! Great idea!
What a NEAT idea!! I love it!
Great idea! Headed out shopping tomorrow :) Thanks!
That is such a great idea!
Hey Tiffany! Just to let you know, I just drew names for the vinyl decal giveaway on Poppies at Play and you are the winner! I'll be announcing it tomorrow on the blog. Can you please email your address to me? I can make the decal out of black white or cream, so let me know which color you'd like and I'll get it sent off. Congrats!
Love this idea! And they came out great!
Those are fabulous. I think I am going to make the " Did you pray today ? " Right away. Thanks for sharing. Love it.
I really like your site. Thank you so much for entering the Get Clean Giveaway on the Thick Decor Chick blog. I am sorry that you did not win. If you have any questions about my products please fell free to call me at 630-262-1007 or go to my website DonahueWellness.MyShaklee.com.
I really like your site. Thank you so much for entering the Get Clean Giveaway on the Thick Decor Chick blog. I am sorry that you did not win. If you have any questions about my products please fell free to call me at 630-262-1007 or go to my website DonahueWellness.MyShaklee.com.
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