Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Father's Day Idea

We don't like to spend much on Mother's Day & Father's Day. It is always a challenge to find original & fun things to do each year. Today, we made a video interview for Daddy.

Here are the questions that I asked:

How old is Daddy?

What makes Daddy happy?

What is Daddy's favorite thing to do?

What is Daddy really good at?

What does Daddy do for his job?

Where is Daddy's favorite place to eat?

What is something Daddy teaches you?

What makes Daddy sad?

What are Daddy's for?

What does Daddy want for Father's Day?

It was fun to hear each of their answers. I can't wait to put it on a DVD & have them give it to Daddy. Maybe would could do this each year & see how their answers have changed! {Thanks for the questions Shelley! They were perfect!}


  1. Thanks for the questions! I asked Madison and printed out her answers to give to daddy!

  2. thanks for sharing your questions. I am so printing this out and asking the kids later on......
