Monday, August 30, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday...Numbers/Counting has been a while!!! I haven't done very well with Muffin Tin Monday, but I hope to be back in the swing of things again. I honestly had NO intention of doing Muffin Tin Monday today, but when I saw the theme...I knew that Preston would love it. He loves to count everything!!! I am in desperate need of going grocery shopping this week, but I think that I did ok.

{1 cup of applesauce, 2 pieces of a peanut butter & honey sandwich, 3 starbursts, 4 tomatoes, 5 cheese circles, 6 frozen blueberries} The tomatoes are from my Grandparents garden. Preston will ONLY eat tomatoes from their garden. He cracks me up!

Check out other Muffin Tin Meals over at Muffin Tin Mom. {You can also see the themes on her side bar.}
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. How yummy...Emily would love peanut butter and honey I will have to try that some time soon.

  2. How colorful and yummy! Great job!

  3. I love little ones and their particulars! That is funny that he will only eat the toms from your Grandparents garden!
    Love the colorful muffin liners :)

  4. Great tin! Love that he will only eat the tomatoes from your Grandparent's garden. Too cute! My daughter loves to go to my parent's home and visit the garden - she loves green peppers.

  5. It is wonderful that he counts. The tin looks great!
