I am feeling Mommy Guilt that Preston doesn't know how to write his name {I think!} So, over the next 2 weeks I am going to try to work with him a little more & try to get him to get excited about learning these things.
My niece just started Kindergarten & I saw this cute little project hanging up. I knew that Preston would get a kick out of it. Kaden liked it too! This was a great hands on activity that they didn't need my help. Preston LOVES using the glue all by himself.
All you need it glue, paper, a marker, & beans.
Kaden wrote his own name on his paper with the marker & I wrote Preston's. Then, they traced each letter with glue as we went along. After they traced the letters with glue...they stuck the beans on. Preston was in a great mood & we talked about the letters in his name.
I know that my girls will love this! Anything the involves glue is perfect for them!
B is all about anything that involves glue too! =) I'm going to try it with him today.
You could use pasta if you wanted a reason to get him to do it again. =)
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