Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A New Tradition

Last year we made salt dough ornaments. HERE is the recipe that we used. They were pretty simple to make. The boys had a blast cutting the dough with cookie cutters & watching them bake. HERE are the ornaments that we made last year {not painted}. We painted them {I'm not sure why I don't have a picture} & strung them with a string. I kept a couple for our tree {with their name & the year}, but we also attached them to the grandparent's Christmas presents.

I have already had requests from the grandparents to make some more this year & the boys LOVED seeing what they made last year. We are going to make this a Christmas tradition. What a treasure these ornaments are & will be forever! I will make a post for the ornaments we make this year, but I wanted to give you a head start if you wanted to make some.


  1. I was thinking of my daughter and I making some for the kids in her class.

  2. Ohh, those DID turn out great! I've been wanting to try these for a while, but hadn't found a recipe yet. I'll most definitely try yours out. I think Maddie would have fun with it.
