I have been wanting to do this craft for a while. Preston wasn't feeling well yesterday...so we are trying to take it easy. It has been snowing everyday since Monday & is supposed to continue for the rest of the week. It is a perfect day for a snowman craft.
Here is what you need:
Paper {we used blue cardstock}
White Glue
Shaving Cream
Paint brush
pencil {optional}
Something to decorate the snow man with {felt, paper, raisins, buttons, twigs, etc}
We started by drawing a snowman shape with a pencil. That way they had a guide.

I put some shaving cream on a paper plate & then I just eyeballed the glue. No measurement...SORRY! I gave them each a paintbrush {you could also just use your fingers}. They giggled the whole time that they made it.

Once they were finished "painting"...we got out some little felt scarves, a hat, some buttons, an orange paper carrot, paper "twig" arms, & some google eyes to decorate the snowman. The boys LOVED this part too. It was fun to see how they set up their snowmen.