Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Something Special

Kaden {my little Kindergartner} goes to school all day. He chooses to take his lunch most of the time. Almost every morning, we pack up his lunch in his Diego lunchbox & off he goes. Kaden has been wanting "Lunchables", but I have a hard time paying for those. Today, we made our own lunchables...with crackers, cut up cheese slices, lunch meat cut into circles.

Preston on the other hand...is in Preschool & comes home for lunch. We bought him a cute little Thomas the Train lunchbox for picnics at the park, but with it being winter...his little lunchbox hasn't got much use for a while. I thought that he might enjoy a special lunch surprise of his own lunchbox lunch.

He loved it. It didn't take extra time. I didn't have to go to the store & get anything extra..I just used what I had, but I think that it made him feel special & that is what is important!

1 comment:

  1. I make homemade Lunchables too! (We call the "Momables.") It's so much fun- we make our cheeses and meats into all different kinds of shapes, dependent upon upcoming holidays, special events, what the kiddos are learning in school, or, something to just make them smile!

    (Watch out- "Momables" can be addictive!)
