Monday, January 25, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday...ABC & 123

Today's Muffin Tin Monday theme is ABC & 123. We had our Muffin Tin for breakfast on Sunday morning. {Monday is going to be pretty busy for us. It is my birthday. We have to go & get Daddy from the airport. Then throw kiddos school on top of that & there is no time for both kiddos to get Muffin Tin Monday.} Here is what they ate:

Top Row: Letter ABC Pancakes to go along with each item, Applesauce, Banana, Corn Burst Cereal

Bottom Row: Number 123 Pancakes to go along with each item, 1 cup of syrup {for dipping the letter & number pancakes in}, 2 pieces of toast, 3 pieces of egg.

**Edited to Add**

I was asked how I made the letter & number pancakes. Check out THIS link. You just have to make sure to write the letter or number BACKWARDS so that when you flip will be the right way.

The boys really enjoyed this one. I even got some extra thank you(s).

Check out other Muffin Tins over at Muffin Tin Moms!
Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. I love the 123 /ABC pancakes cut out! THose are awesome!

  2. First of all Happy Birthday to you! Secondly, this is a great tin! Very creative, I love it.

  3. This is just fabulous! How did you do the pancakes? so clever.

    Happy Birthday as well. I am celebrating on the mine on the 28th!

  4. Neat! I love how you "labelled" your individual cups with blue pancakes!

  5. I love your pancakes too. Great tin!

  6. Happy birthday!
    love your tin.
    Those blue pancakes are super cute.

  7. those are awesome pancakes. and they're blue! my girls would love this. thanks for the directions!

  8. Awesome tin and those pancakes rock! Happy MTM :)

  9. Who WOULDN'T love blue pancakes- excellent!

  10. VERY nice, I love the muffin holders - great minds think alike - check mine out for the week - I used the same ones. These are my favorites & use them ALL the time! :) Cute blog - 1st time visiting!
